Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The volley of thoughts

Men cannot multitask and women can never think of one thing at a time. These may be the stereotypes we live with but in my experience so far they are so very true. I think I fit into this stereotype like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle and believe you me it is not something I boast about.

A million things passing my mind asking me questions, suggesting options, playing devils advocate, proposing new ventures, scaring me with the what ifs of the world and all this at the same time. It is really a wonder I havent short circuited my brain by now. With each passing year it gets more complicated and the number of thoughts increase! Why O why are we women wired this way? In this volley of thoughts, where some hit me right in the head, some miss me and some stay forever how have I managed to find sense and answers? Well thats a wonder and I guess Im not to going to start figuring that one out!

So the big question is what to do when these volley of thoughts attack me, bombard me and leave me standing there like a damsel in distress? earlier on it in situations like this I would call my best friends and we would discuss these various situations and most of the times add to them, or I would call my boyfriend and well that would either lead to feeling better or a fight or I would put on a movie or watch my favorite sitcoms as they would transport me to a world where these thoughts couldnt find me at least for sometime. Things are different now, best friends are there but these conversations have outgrown us, boyfriend.. hmm who is that? but the movies and the sitcoms are there but not doing such a great job as usual but yes still bailing me out time to time.. What remains is well writing it all out, sharing it with myself and telling it to myself out loud cos believe me that works too..

So all my girlfriends out there.. your thoughts troubling you? well take them a thought at a time and write them all out cos that will drive them away or turn them into that friend you wanted  it to be..

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Prince Charming!

Once upon a time there was a little girl, she was told a zillion of fairytales and as she grew up these fairytales became an integral part of her being. She began to see that there were so many others like her who are waiting for the fairytale in their life to come true, waiting for the signs, the hero, the villain and ofcourse the most important thing, MAGIC to come into their lives. Cause Magic can explain the unexplainable and can solve the unsolvable.

Well, as you would know after a zillion years later she grew up to find the villain, the common village people, in a remote way the dream, the king and the queen, but what never showed up was Magic or Prince Charming!

Well let me introduce you to Mr Prince Charming - he is the answer to every girl whether princess or not's prayers, he is the perfect mix of a hero, a saviour, a lover, a poet, a mind reader, a wizard, a parent and a friend. He is good looking, rich and has the heart of gold. He is not frazzled by his girls tears, neither does he ever want to leave her. His mother is not a problem and her father loves him! well anyone who has treaded this earth for a zillion years like I have will realise that only MAGIC can create a Prince Charming and one will need stronger Magic to sustain his wonderfulness.

You must think I am a tad cynical - ofcourse I am and its my cynicism that helps me live in this world where there is no Magic and defnitely no prince. This is although partially true, the entire truth is that well magic is within us and so is our prince charming. As a single, working girl with career aspirations, high cost of living and social pressure we tend to look for these two things to ease our lives. But in reality we need to save ourselves before any magic can. Magic like faith cannot be seen or felt, it needs to be believed in even in the darkest of times and the loneliest of hours for it to come true.

And well, Mr Prince Charming - I accept you dont exsist. 0.00001% of me still waits for you, but in todays world its easier to find the evil witch or the nasty villain but mr prince charming, you are tough to find! 

The two lives we lead

Most of us lead two lives, the one we actually live and the one we live in our heads.. I realised this while I was at work the other day. It was that break in the day, where one has finished the main task and deliverable for the day and is free to browse, read or get updated on the news. I was using this break to read some of the generic mails that had come in about social blogging, media trends etc.. it was at that time that I came across this article by a senior leader in the company and as I was reading the article, parallelly in my head I began to imagine what it wold like to be a published writer, a writer whose work people will read like I am reading someone's work. I began to think of my blog, what the topics would be etc.. It was at that very moment I realised the two lives I am living.

How many of us live this way i wonder? one foot in the present and one dangling in ones conscience. it is a funny thought and if you can picture it, it will be a funny image but that exactly how a segment of us live. We get stressed over un acomplished goals in our imagined life and stress over the difficulty of the present, when possibly if the imagined life did get true, it would be equally difficult in its own way. Are we then really tuned to be stressed? Are we all really out there to make ourselves miserable and look for targets to blame? Well of course there are situations and people out there which cause enough distress, but are we really stressing ourselves out? What is that fine line between dreaming and making ourselves run behind a cloud? Will we be better off with feet firmly on the ground or is it the parallel life that keeps us going?

Lots of questions, with possibly one answer.. and this one answer is different for different people. For some, it could be take life as it comes, some it is not to take oneself too seriously and for some it is a constant quest.. My answer is that both these lives are mine and to make the most of that I need to stop worrying about things that I can do nothing about. But whatever said and done, what makes life wonderful is that it needs to be discovered everyday and with each opened layer it the picture gets clearer.